
Advancing to Chen Cang by a Secret Path - Chapter 2

 Under Sheng Lin's whip and within Xie Xihuai's cries, the two hurried and finally arrived at Quling before sunset.  Sheng Lin grabbed Xie Xihuai and dismounted. He took off his luggage and led Xie Xihuai to enter a small door, inside of which were several wine tables. They walked to the counter and Sheng Lin knocked on the table while saying, "Waiter, we want to stay in the inn."  The waiter who was dozing off while sitting inside, raised his head and threw a look. He saw a tall man with a sword on his back standing in the backlight. He immediately come to his senses and said, "How many rooms will it be honorable quests?"  At this moment Xie Xihuai realized that this was the place they were going to stay at tonight. He almost jumped up and said, "We are staying here tonight?  Sheng Lin glanced at Xie Xihuai and said to the waiter, "One room."   Quling is a big city that can also be considered as as the territory of Prince Ning. Xie Xihuai has

Advancing to Chen Cang by a secret path - Chapter 1

 Early in the morning, Xie Xihuai was fished out of the quilt by his Father Prince accompanied by his men.  "Xihuai, this is a long and complicated story," Prince Ning, Xie Xingfeng, stood by the bedside. He waved his hand, and the maids rushed forward to surround Xie Xihuai. "Get changed first."  Xie Xilin, Xie Xihuai's elder brother, calmly and quietly stood beside his father.  Prince Ning's young Shizi [1] Xie Xihuai, was well known in the territory of Han City for being a fashion trendsetter.   Recently, he tended towards floaty styles, with seven to eight layers in total. Every morning he spent half of a shichen [2] just to get dressed.   Prince Ning requested that Xie Xihuai get himself ready within the time it took for a stick of incense to burn [3]. Several maids burned with anxiety helping Xie Xihuai get dressed, but they also didn't dare to move too roughly for fear of hurting the Shizi. Without any better options, they could only grab hold