
Ancient Chinese Measurement:

1丈 (zhang) =10尺 (chi)= 3.33m

1尺 (chi)=10寸 (cun)= 33.3cm

1寸 (cun)=3.33cm

1里 (li) = ~500m

Ancient Chinese Hours:

1 时辰 Shi Chen = 2 hours 

Zi period 子时 :12am-2am 

Chou 丑时:2am-4am

Yin 寅时:4am-6am

Mao 卯时:6am-8am

Chen 辰时:8am-10am

Si  巳时:10am-12pm

Wu 午时:12pm-2pm

Wei  未时:2pm-4pm

Shen 申时:4pm-6pm 

You 酉时:6pm-8pm 

Xu 戌时:8pm-10pm 

Hai 亥时:10pm-12am


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