Advancing to Chen Cang by a secret path - Chapter 1

 Early in the morning, Xie Xihuai was fished out of the quilt by his Father Prince accompanied by his men.

 "Xihuai, this is a long and complicated story," Prince Ning, Xie Xingfeng, stood by the bedside. He waved his hand, and the maids rushed forward to surround Xie Xihuai. "Get changed first."

 Xie Xilin, Xie Xihuai's elder brother, calmly and quietly stood beside his father.

 Prince Ning's young Shizi [1] Xie Xihuai, was well known in the territory of Han City for being a fashion trendsetter. 

 Recently, he tended towards floaty styles, with seven to eight layers in total. Every morning he spent half of a shichen [2] just to get dressed. 

 Prince Ning requested that Xie Xihuai get himself ready within the time it took for a stick of incense to burn [3]. Several maids burned with anxiety helping Xie Xihuai get dressed, but they also didn't dare to move too roughly for fear of hurting the Shizi. Without any better options, they could only grab hold of the ties of his clothes and circle around him. After a while, they were all tired and their brows became beaded with sweat. 

 With great difficulty, they managed to get him almost dressed, and the maids withdrew. Only then did Prince Ning continue talking: "A few months ago, this Prince received an imperial edict. The Emperor wants this father to send a son to the Capital. Your elder brother's health is not good, his body is weak and he often falls sick. This father only has two sons. Xihuai, so I can only send you."

 Xie Xilin standing beside Prince Ning coughed twice in solidarity. Because of his coughing, the curtains of Xie Xihuai's bed almost floated up.

 "Does mother know?" Xie Xihuai sat at the bedside, pondering over his Father Prince's words, and he raised his head to ask.

 His mother, Shang Ling, was the daughter of a great merchant family. Her maiden family's wealth could rival that of an entire nation. She married Prince Ning when she was sixteen. At that time, Prince Ning disobeyed the imperial decree and firmly insisted on taking the merchant's daughter as the principal wife. Although afterwards, he took on more than a dozen concubines, it was a story that captured the imagination at the time and spread far and wide through the street stalls.

 At the beginning of the month, Shang Ling departed on a journey to Jun Mountain to burn incense and pray for blessings. At this moment, she should have already arrived at the foot of Jun Mountain.

 "This Father will explain this to her when she returns," Prince Ning said impatiently. "This is merely a trip to the Capital City for an audience with the Emperor [4]. The Emperor is your blood-related uncle and meeting him is an honor as great as Heaven. Your mother will be very happy". 

 Xie Xihuai was already eighteen, and the rice that he’d eaten wasn’t for nothing.

 Since the ascension of the Emperor,  his Prince Father had been bestowed Han City as a fiefdom to guard the borders. Xie Xihuai grew up in Han City since childhood, and had almost never left the city.

 Even a blind person could discern the relationship between Prince Ning and the Emperor. 

 After he heard Prince Ning’s explanation, Xie Xihuai didn't expose him. He raised his head and the corners of his lips twitched: "Really? It was a few months earlier, not a few days earlier." 

 "You don't believe at all in what your Father Prince says?" Prince Ning glared at Xie Xihuai. When he saw Xie Xihuai shrinking his head back slightly, he showed an appeasing smile again. "However, you should also understand clearly that after this Father guarded the border for a few decades, he has made too many enemies. Contrary to expectations, this journey will be somewhat dangerous. This Father has asked the Emperor to arrange a fake Shizi amongst the imperial bodyguards that he dispatched, and entrust the number one expert of the Jianghu, Sheng Lin, to escort you. Travel lightly and dress simply, take a different route from the imperial bodyguards towards the Capital. The Emperor has graciously agreed to this so you must thank him properly when you arrive at the Capital."

"Sheng Lin?" Xie Xihuai used to go to the teahouse to listen to the storytellers spin their stories when he had free time. He was rather familiar with the name Sheng Lin. "The man who wields the Dusheng Sword [5] that ranks first in the weapon list of Jianghu? Is he that Sheng Lin that no living person has ever seen him drawing his sword?"

 "None other." Prince Ning looked proudly at Xie Xilin as he replied, "Thanks to your elder brother's excellent chess skills. Sheng Lin offered to escort you to the Capital City in exchange for a chess match."

 Xie Xilin smiled humbly: "Prince-Father is too generous with his praise. Young Master Sheng and I merely share a mutual respect for one another. That's why he agreed to this unreasonable request."

 Upon hearing these words, Xie Xihuai didn’t feel too thrilled. He lowered his head and smoothed the fringe at the hem of his robe before asking Prince Ning, "Then will Sheng Lin be escorting me back to Han City as well?"

 The smile on Prince Ning's face stiffened. He glanced all around him and said evasively [6]: "You’ll stay in the Capital City for a while first. Why are you so anxious to come back?"

 "I’m not going." Xie Xihuai said, "I'm not going anywhere until my mother comes back."

 Prince Ning became angry: "The Emperor’s words are like gold and jade [7]. Do you think it is so easy to decline? I’m telling you to go!"

 "Xie Xilin can go." Xie Xihuai answered back defiantly.

 "Your elder brother's health isn’t good!" Prince Ning was deeply distressed [8] as he said, "Why can't you empathize with your brother’s situation? Besides, you are the official son of the principal wife, so logically speaking; you should be the one to go!"

 Xie Xihuai looked at Xie Xilin for a long while, and then gazed towards the doorway of the room again. There was a dense crowd of Imperial bodyguards waiting. Knowing that he couldn’t avoid this today, he said, "Then I'll pack up some clothes and personal belongings."

 "There's no need. Everything has been prepared for you already." After hearing the sound of Prince Ning clapping his hands, the Imperial bodyguards who were waiting outside the door came inside.

 The leader of the Imperial bodyguards informed Prince Ning, "Young Master Sheng has arrived at the back gate."

 Prince Ning's countenance was shaken by this. He walked forward to hug Xie Xihuai's back to move him along, as he repeated: "Xihuai, Prince-Father is reluctant to part with you."

 Somewhat distracted, Xie Xihuai was pushed by Prince Ning and he staggered. The Imperial bodyguards crowded around them and escorted them towards the back entrance.

 His mother wasn't present in the Prince's residence, and he lost his principle support. He was clearly aware that his father and his elder brother intended to harm him, but he didn't know what to do.

 When his mother returned to the residence, would she send people to rescue him? 

 Or perhaps he could simply flee the City to find his maternal uncle [9].

 Xie Xihuai pondered back and forth on this matter, and when they were almost at the entrance, he finally tried to tactfully decline one last time: "I still want to wait for my mother."

 "It's very disrespectful to ask the Emperor to wait ten days!" Prince Ning turned his head and reprimanded, "It's not like you’ll never come back. There is no need to say your farewells."

 Xie Xihuai had already been dragged to the side door by Prince Ning while he was speaking. A tall and sturdy swordsman holding a long sword leaned against the gate. The bodyguards and maidservants standing beside him were all trembling and did not dare to utter a word.

 His eyebrows were straight like swords, reaching towards his temples. His nose was aquiline, and his whole body seemed to be filled with fiendish energy. Xie Xihuai received a glance from him, and his whole body felt chilled as if he had been thoroughly drenched in ice-cold water.

 Xie Xihuai took a step back, turned his head and said to Prince Ning, "I'm not going!"

 He didn't want to see this big ice block pulling the hateful Dusheng Sword out of its sheath!

 Prince Ning gave a pointed look, and two Imperial bodyguards stood beside Xie Xihuai, preventing him from moving.

 Sheng Lin shifted his gaze and looked towards Prince Ning. He cupped his fist in the other hand at him, as he saluted, "Greetings to his Royal Highness, the Prince."

 "Ai, Young Master Sheng is a talented person. This Prince has long heard of your reputation. My son has always been pampered and spoiled, so I'll trouble you to take care of him on this journey." Prince Ning pushed Xie Xihuai over.

 Xie Xihuai usually slept until the sun was three poles high [10] in the sky before being forcibly awakened. Although he had been scared awake, his hands and feet were still lax. Prince Ning had used a lot of strength in pushing Xie Xihuai forward. He crashed into Sheng Lin's embrace with a loud bang.

 Xie Xihuai didn't know why Sheng Lin's body was so hard - his eyes saw stars, and even his forehead became swollen. He curled his lips and he wanted to shout "Mother, it really hurts," but Shang Ling was not in the Prince's residence, so without any better options, he lowered his head with a cry of "wu" [11]. 

 Sheng Lin remained expressionless as before, and without saying a word, he pressed his hand against Xie Xihuai's shoulder and pushed him further away. He gave him an indifferent glance, then looked at Xie Xilin, and said, "His Highness has agreed to my request for a chess match, it can't be regarded as troubling me."

 Xie Xilin smiled gently at Sheng Lin. His looks were extraordinary and he dressed simply. In this barren desert that was Han City, he was like a pure and unstained lotus rising out of the mud - [12]. His countenance was handsome and dignified.

 However, Xie Xihuai didn't have Xie Xilin's ethereal and otherworldly temperament. When average people saw him with his big and round eyes, red lips, and white teeth; with features as lush as peach and plum blossoms, they only thought that he was beautiful and cute, but with no additional qualities.

 "Is this the Dusheng Sword?" Xie Xihuai felt bored as he stood around. He looked repeatedly at the cold Sheng Lin. He couldn't help raising his hand to touch the big sword in the other person’s arms.

 Before Sheng Lin could react, Prince Ning had already yelled at Xie Xihuai, "Don't be rude!"

 Xie Xihuai was frightened by his father's energetic voice, and he withdrew his hand. He looked around, and asked in a small voice, "Don’t touch? Then I won’t touch… Where's my luggage?"

 After Prince Ning waved his hand, a maid carried one large and one small bag, and handed them to Xie Xihuai: "Your Highness, please look after it."

 Xie Xihuai looked at the size of the two bags, and clasped his hands behind his back, unwilling to accept them. He asked, "That’s all?"

 "Your clothes and necessities are in the bigger one." Prince Ning brought over the small purse and pinned it to Xie Xihuai's waist, "This is for your traveling expenses."

 Sheng Lin took the bigger package and hung it on a horse behind him. After that he got on another horse and lowered his head to look at Xie Xihuai.

 "This matter should not be delayed, Xihuai, get on the horse." Prince Ning was good at reading his expression. He grabbed Xie Xihuai and pushed him onto the horse. Xie Xihuai's face was about to be pressed into the saddle, so he had no choice but to turn himself and get on the horse.

 He waved unnaturally at Prince Ning, who urged him: "Go quickly. Prince-Father still has to go to the main entrance to send the bodyguards."

 After he finished speaking, he led Xie Xilin and the servants to close the side door. Only Xie Xihuai and Sheng Lin remained by the side entrance staring at each other. 

 "Great Hero," Xie Xihuai gave him a forced smile, attempting to stir up a conversation. "Hello."

 Sheng Lin had no response to Xie Xihuai's attempt at friendship. He turned his face away, took the black veiled hat that was placed to the side and covered Xie Xihuai's head, before saying, "Causing the Shizi to suffer grievance."

 Afterward he quickly and violently raised his hand to pull out the whip and waved it in the direction of Xie Xihuai's horse. Xie Xihuai only heard a "pa" sound and the horse jumped like crazy and stood with both of its front hooves upraised, tossing Xie Xihuai to mid-air.

 Xie Xihuai pounced forward in fright and hugged the horse's neck tightly to avoid falling off.

 Immediately afterward, the steed beneath him began to gallop wildly. It rushed out of the alley where the side entrance was located, then it swerved east onto the main road, dashing vigorously as if it were going mad. 

 Xie Xihuai was tossed up and down on the horseback, and the horse’s mane got into his black veil and pricked his face, which was extremely painful. Since childhood, he had never suffered such a fright nor such grievances. At this moment, he was close to tears. To preserve his dignity [13], he forcefully swallowed his tears. 

 "Zhui Yun [14]," Sheng Lin urged his horse on to run alongside. Although they were riding at the same speed, he was as relaxed as if he were walking a dog, "Head towards the South Gate."

 Prince Ning had specifically explained that at this hour, no officers and soldiers were guarding the South Gate of Han City, so no one would see the two horses running out of the city. Yet at the same time, the North Gate was bustling with noise and excitement.

 There was a long line of Imperial bodyguards from the Capital riding on the tall and large horses. In the middle of the detachment; two white horses in the front pulled a large purple sedan chair. According to the hearsay, it was for the young Shizi of Han City who was going to enter the Capital for an audience with the Emperor.

 The common people of Han City were falling over each other in their eagerness to join in the fun. They all wanted to have a glimpse at the elegant demeanor of the Imperial cavalry. 

 No one knew that right at this moment, the genuine young Shizi was suffering hardship on horseback.

 Xie Xihuai had been jolted to the point of nearly throwing up. His head was like melon seeds that had been shaken into a sticky paste. At this moment, they were more than half a Li [15] outside the city, the horse called Zhui Yun finally calmed down, he slowed down, and began to trot leisurely. 

 After he cautiously let go of the horse's neck, the black veiled hat that was originally on his head had dropped to his stomach, leaving only a large piece of black veil wrapped around his head. 

 Xie Xihuai pulled the reins with one hand and tore off the black veil hanging from his hair crown with the other. With a pale face and messy hair, he looked at Sheng Lin’s backview that was several Zhang [16] ahead and whispered, "Wait a moment..."

 It was unknown whether Sheng Lin really didn't hear him or if he pretended that he hadn't; he didn’t look back. Xie Xihuai could only see his broad shoulders and the sword that he carried on his back. 

 "Great Hero," Xie Xihuai had no alternative but to call out to him again, "Wait for me..."

 This time his voice was a little louder. Sheng Lin turned his head to glance at him, and he asked in a chilling and cold manner, "What is it?"

 "I want to throw up..." Xie Xihuai pulled at the reins, and stopped Zhui Yun. With a deathly pale complexion, he stumbled from the horse and vomited while leaning against a tree by the roadside.

 Xie Xihuai hadn't eaten breakfast, and after dry-retching for a while, he vomited up some sour-tasting liquid. He covered his mouth and turned back to stare pitifully at the water bag hanging beside Sheng Lin's leg: "Give this Shizi some water."

 Sheng Lin looked at him, and when Xie Xihuai urged him again, Sheng Lin took off the water bag and threw it at him.

 Xie Xihuai's hands and feet were weak so how could he catch it? The water bag hit him on the head and fell to the ground with a "bang".

 Xie Xihuai had tears in his eyes because of the pain. He wanted to scold the other person but he didn't dare to. He stood there foolishly for a while, and feeling humiliated, he picked up the water bag under Sheng Lin's watchful gaze, and took two sips. He thought in his heart that if he didn't die this time, he would definitely have his uncle bestow 10,000 gold taels as a reward for Sheng Lin's head.

 What number one expert of Wulin? What Dusheng Sword? No matter how powerful he was, he would still take his despicable life.

 Perhaps because Xie Xihuai was too deeply occupied by his thoughts, the ominous glint in his eyes was too obvious. Sheng Lin stared at him, and narrowed his eyes, as he asked, "What are you thinking about?"

 Xie Xihuai reacted, and his whole body trembled. He hurriedly resorted to the method that he used to coax his mother: 

"I am thinking about you." 

 Sheng Lin was momentarily stunned after hearing these words.. He looked down at him from the horse as if he were looking at a fool infected with contagious smallpox. 

 Xie Xihuai himself also felt that something was wrong. He forced a couple of laughs, and took another sip of water. He said slowly: "Is the sword heavy?"

 "It's not heavy," Sheng Lin said coldly with an air of impatience, "Once you’ve finished drinking, get on the horse. We have to hurry to Quling before sunset."

 Xie Xihuai nodded at once, and clambered on the horse with his arms and legs. Sheng Lin said, "Hat."

 "Okay." Xie Xihuai took the initiative to put on the black hat. When Sheng Lin flicked the whip, Xie Xihuai was jolted upwards by Zhui Yun again. He wanted to cry out of helplessness, but he couldn't get any tears out, as he continued to be bumped about.


[1] 世子- Heir to the prince. This term may also be used for crown prince, but not in the specific context of this story. 

[2] 1 Shichen = 2 hours 

[3] 5 minutes

[4] Refers to 圣 from 圣上 (Shengshang) which is courtier's or minister's form of address for the current Emperor. 

[5] 度生 Dusheng = passing through the life/ mortal perseverance 

[6] 顾左右而言他

It means : after looking at the people on both sides, say something else. It describes the answer without words while deliberately avoiding the question. 

[7] Authoritative words

[8] 痛心疾首

It literally means:

"Heart and head aching from anger"

[9] His mother's brother

[10] Sun rises as high as three bamboo poles. 

- When the sun rises high in the sky, it is late morning. It is often used to describe people who get up too late. 

[11] Wu - onomatopoeic sound of crying or whimpering

[12] 支出淤泥而不染

- This phrase literally describes a lotus that:

'grew out of the mud without being stained'

'grew in sludge without being polluted'.

-It’s a metaphor used to describe people who are:

Independent and unswerving in this sordid world, always maintaining noble conduct and integrity.

[13] Used here was : 面子 - "face" 

Not literally face, it means honor/reputation/self-respect.

[14] The name of the horse 追云 Zhui Yun means 'Chasing after the cloud'.

[15] 1 Li 里 = 500 m

[16] 1 Zhang 丈 = 3.3 m


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